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A little less mummy and a little more me......

A little less mummy and a little more me......


This is the first time I've written a blog so please bear with me...

So why now, why I am doing this now?  Because I am 'me again'....I was born me, I spent the next 33 years being me and then I became a wife and shortly after that a mummy and shortly after that a mummy of two.  Slowly, well actually quite abruptly I was no longer 'me', I was just a 'version of me'..... 

Now don't get me wrong, I love being a wife, I love being a mum and I LOVE being a family but I found it all consuming!  I used to be so very independent, I did what I wanted when I wanted, spent what I wanted when I wanted and loved being spontaneous!  When I had my first child (my darling Reggie) , I struggled a little with losing that sense of freedom, by the time I had my second (Heath, the comedian, my baby, a little fu*@ker!, I had adapted to my new life and I gave up my job...I was a 'full time mummy and wife". I love that and I wouldn't change it but it's tough!

When Heath joined his brother at preschool, I had three mornings a week to myself!  Amazing!!  It was such a nice feeling, I thought of all the things I would do, get my nails painted, get my hair done, watch daytime TV, sit and drink tea and eat chocolate hobnobs all morning....I did none of that!  I actually felt a bit what now??  In actual fact, I figured out that I didn't need my hair done, my nails done, to sit down and do nothing, I just needed to achieve something for MYSELF!

It took a lot of hard work but I started selling children's learning mats from home and I felt like me again!  I had a little more time, freedom, I could still make decisions (just), make money, be my own person......I think I just needed a little bit of balance back in my life.  Humans need balance , it's a biological fact and I just needed "a little less mummy and a little more me"......

We're all different and all need different things, it's not a bad thing it's human nature....sometimes we need to put others first but we mustn't forget ourselves and what we need!


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